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Appropriate Work Relationships.png
Contemporary sexual harassment prevention training for the post #MeToo Era.

Training and support that meets or exceeds your local, state and federal requirements.

Required Documents

From new requirements regarding onboarding, postings and policies, we have you covered. 

Every company doing business in NY or NYC is required to have a trained and compentent Designated Person to handle every sexual harassment concerns. 

Outside Independent Investigations

Nothing is more important than getting to the concern in an unfettered and timely manner.  Let HRrenewal partner with your Designated Person to produce objective results from indepenent investigations.

Required Training

We dont just train - we change behavior with an incredibly engaging annual training program which is required.

Ongoing Support

HRrenewal stays with you.  We remain available to support your Designated Person and your management and executive teams.

Productive Coaching

We remain available on an ongoing basis to coach those employees who need to approach thier interactions with others differently.

What Our Clients Say

"Thank you for providing this important training.  I had no idea that this continues to be so pervasive in business today"

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